Sunday, April 26, 2015

Joss Whedon ‘Desperately’ Wanted to Make a ‘Batman’ Movie

Director Joss Whedon Marvels Avengers Age of Ultron Joss Whedon Desperately Wanted to Make a Batman Movie
After three years, two movies (AvengersAvengers 2) and one TV show (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Joss Whedon is officially done with Marvel, at least for the time being. The esteemed writer-director, who recently handed over the reins of Avengers: Infinity War to the Russo brothers, cited exhaustion from strict deadlines and high expectations as to why he couldn’t continue on.
And while it’s uncertain what Whedon will do next (whether it’s the long-awaited Dr. Horrible sequel or something entirely new), it is clear that he’s left behind a legacy of work in two of the highest-grossing films of all time. But for his next project, Whedon hopes to move away from ensembles and focus on only one character. Still, the director can’t help but wonder about some other possibilities, too.
When asked during press for Avengers: Age of Ultron whether he’d ever want to direct a movie for DC, Whedon got his comic book geek on with IGN, saying:
“Sure. I’d be like ‘I have all these joke ideas.’ And they’d be like ‘No, we don’t do that here.’ I desperately wanted to do a Batman film – who doesn’t? And I wanted to do Wonder Woman. I was a Marvel kid growing up, but I was always DC-curious. And I see myself on the spectrum in between.”
Fans may remember that Whedon tried and failed to get a Wonder Woman movie off the ground back in 2005. (DC reportedly turned down his outline for the film.) That ship has since sailed, of course, with Warner Bros. now pulling Wonder Woman into the DC shared cinematic universe. However, the news about Whedon wanting to do a Batman movie is also not new.
batman movie joss whedon Joss Whedon Desperately Wanted to Make a Batman Movie
Whedon recently went on record with his excitement for Batman v Superman after the trailer released, telling Yahoo! Movies“Batman and Superman are gonna fight! I’m so excited! I’m so excited!” Then there’s that time he talked about which Marvel character he’d like to bring to the big screen: “If I could get my hands on absolutely anybody it would be Batman. He’s a Marvel character in the DC universe.”
But there’s already been multiple versions of Batman over the years, and a new one isn’t likely to happen again anytime soon. Besides, Whedon’s adaptation of The Dark Knight would likely be more lighthearted than either Christopher Nolan or Zack Snyder’s most recent incarnations. That doesn’t mean Whedon couldn’t try and tackle a very similar character though, like say his idea for a turn-of-the-century female Batman? I, for one, would be very interested in seeing Whedon do a darker and harder action movie.
But what do you think, Screen Rant readers? Would you want Whedon to direct Batman? Or how about something in a similar vein, like his female Batman idea? Let us know in the comments.
Avengers: Age of Ultron premieres in U.S. theaters this week on May 1st.
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