Upcoming DC Comics film adaptations such as Suicide Squad and Wonder Womanhave made headlines recently with the former attracting some high-profile namesand the latter locking in director Michelle MacLaren to call the shots. But before we see villains team up, or Diana lead a movie on her own, we must first get past Zack Snyder’s highly-anticipated Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, which will set the entire DC shared cinematic universe in motion.
There have been rumors circulating that we may get a “Batman-heavy” teaser trailer before the year is out, but as we approach December, Snyder is still rolling the cameras. His crew seems to have traded the metropolis of Detroit for the deserts of New Mexico, which, like every other development for this film, will send fans into a whirlwind of speculation over what exactly is being depicted.
KRQE News in New Mexico did a report on the effect the Dawn of Justice shoot has had in the community, mainly focusing on the economic impact on local businesses and the starstruck feelings of the town’s residents. What fans will be most interested in, however, is the extravagant set the production design team has put together, which consists of large buildings isolated in the desert.
We’ve known for a while that one of Batman V Superman‘s goals is to expand upon the world established in last year’s Man of Steel and introduce moviegoers to various aspects of the DC universe in preparation for 2017′s Justice League film. One way Snyder will do that is to use his movie as the big screen debut for Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot). With little information pertaining to her role, might this news report lay the first clues as to how the Amazonian princess will be incorporated?
One possible theory is that the New Mexico set will be used to portray Themyscira, also known as Paradise Island. Comic readers will note that this location is the home world of Wonder Woman and her fellow Amazonians, which will most likely be seen onscreen in the years to come. The set shown in the report certainly looks like it could be an island, and the anchor even mentions the region’s “extraterrestrial terrain,”implying that the state is a solid choice for otherworldly environments.
Superman actor Henry Cavill took some photos with locals while on location, so it appears that Kal-El is going to appear in the scenes being filmed in the Land of Enchantment. Before we learned Wonder Woman would be the daughter of Zeus, some reports pointed towards her origins being Kryptonian in nature, meaning at one point Themyscira could have been an ancient Krypton society that Kal explores. That isdecidedly not the case anymore, but since no man can step foot in the realm, using Superman as an outlet for the audience seeing Themyscira for the first time would be a way of handling the introductions in an economic manner.
Of course, there has been nothing to date that indicates Themyscira will appear in Batman V Superman at all. The film has plenty on its plate already, and setting up an entire culture of other beings would probably take up a chunk of the run time that will need to be dedicated to other aspects. That said, we’ve known for almost a year now that Diana is going to be a part of this, so it stands reason to believe that her home could appear, even if it is for only a brief scene or two.
Plus, MacLaren coincidentally made a name for herself directing some classic episodes of Breaking Bad (which took place in New Mexico), so maybe there’s more here than meets the eye. As is the case with all things Warner Bros./DC, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice will be in theaters March 25, 2016.
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