In 2015, three massively popular action/adventure series are set to be revitalized with new installments: Terminator: Genisys in July, Star Wars: The Force Awakens in December, but the first is Jurassic World in June. Since the Colin Trevorrow helmed production wrapped a few months ago, there have been rumors about what will be included in the first official Jurassic World trailer, though nothing official had been released.
In the last month, a poster and viral site have been unveiled for the new Jurassic Park film — the latter of which teased the release of the movie’s trailer. Now, a 15-second preview of the trailer has been revealed, along with an official release date for the full-length trailer.
The Jurassic World twitter account announced today that the trailer will debut on Thursday (Thanksgiving in the U.S.) during NBC football, as well as online, at 9PM EST/6PM PST. The teaser (above), released along with the trailer debut date, features a first look at the Jurassic World entrance, the dinosaurs, new technology in the park, and the main characters played by Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Ty Simpkins, and Nick Robinson. Although the 15-second preview doesn’t offer fans much in the way of actual story beats to expect in Jurassic World, it does showcase enough about how the upcoming installment will be both similar and different to Steven Spielberg’s original dino-movie. Fans may recognize parallels between certain scenes from the teaser and Jurassic Park, particularly those that show guests in the park alongside the dinosaurs — though the differences from the original are largely in the technology, specifically the vehicle in which Simpkins and Robinson are shown.
However, since the preview doesn’t give us much to go on, it’s difficult to get a true reading on how Trevorrow’s installment will stack up to the rest of the franchise. That being said, though, we only have to wait a few days until we get the full trailer, so we won’t have to puzzle over this 15 second teaser for too long!
The Jurassic World trailer will debut on Thursday, November 27th @9PM EST/@6PM PST.
Jurassic World hits theaters June 12th, 2015.
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